Social Media is critical to grow your business due to the fact that it allows you to REACH, NURTURE and ENGAGE with your target audience. By interacting with your audience, you can build brand awareness, leads, sales, and revenue.

In the current digital landscape, it’s almost impossible to not interact with social media. For the majority, it is a daily activity. Every single one of us is impacted by social media one way or another. Whether it is through ads on Facebook, posts on Instagram, or discussions on Twitter, we are all exposed to social media.

Some of the main uses for Social Media for the Individual User include:

  • Staying connected with people

  • Voicing opinions on topics

  • Entertainment (News, Videos, Articles, etc.)

Some of the main uses for Social Media in Business include:

  • Direct Contact with Audience

  • Better Traffic

  • Creating a lasting Brand Image

  • Collaborations

  • Availability of Insights

  • Inspiring Businesses

As the Internet has evolved, so has Social Media. What started as a way to directly exchange electronic information has now become a virtual gathering place, retail platform, and vital marketing tool.

The most popular social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Snapchat. Something all of these platforms have in common is that they are regulated by an algorithm that pushes out relevant content to its users based on their own interests. In other words, the algorithm prioritizes which content a user sees in their feed first by the likelihood that they actually want to see it.

At Spartan Marketing, we study the algorithms and create content catered to your business that will reach your target audience to drive brand awareness, leads, sales, and revenue.